I hit a major personal milestone last week: I stepped down from my last executive job in the for-profit high technology sector. I was the founding CEO of RAF Technology, Inc. from 1989 to 1995, and have been the Chief Financial Officer since then. For the last few years, it has been a part-time job as I have had a very strong Controller in Alwynn Lewis. But, there were stretches in the last year where RAF needed me 15-20 hours a week, which was hard to do on top of my more-than-full-time job at Benetech.

Last Friday was my last day as RAF's CFO. Dave Reeves is joining RAF as a full time CFO, which is what RAF really needs as it continues to grow. I'll stay on as a board member. RAF does some very exciting work, such as routing the mail for the US Postal Service or playing a significant role in the US Treasury's pay.gov website. I hope RAF continues to grow successfully! However, I'm happy to shed the responsibility and dedicate even more of my attention to Benetech and the social sector.


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