Missing Gustavo

One of our employees suddenly passed away from natural causes, and we are all very sad here. I sent the following note to the Bookshare.org members and volunteers and received many, many emails expressing condolences and dismay.

To the Bookshare.org community:

It is with great regret and sorrow that I inform you that Gustavo Galindo passed away suddenly Sunday. Gustavo was the Site Manager for Bookshare.org, and was the foundation of our Bookshare.org team. He was involved in the rapid growth of our collection over the last four years through personally approving each book being added. Gustavo was fierce in his dedication to serving people with print impairments while getting it right, by taking our commitments to publishers and authors seriously. He had a formidable intellect, and his insights, understanding and sense of humor will be sorely missed by our team.

We can honor Gustavo’s commitment to access and books by doing our best to bring more books to more people with print disabilities around the world.


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