This week at TED

I'm spending the week at the TED2009 conference, bylined The Great Unveiling. The last TED conference I attended was TED2, which was more than 20 years ago!

Many people are aware of both the social focus and high quality videos that come out of TED. As a public speaker in the technology and social sectors, I think that TED represents the top of our craft. It's nonstop great talks, performances and presentations, from people at the top of their game. Yesterday was an amazing start on the week, hearing from Bill Gates, Al Gore, Seth Godin and many others mixed in with a fabulous vocal group (Naturally Seven) and my favorite, Regina Spektor. The MIT Media Lab showed off some really exciting technology that I immediately was thinking of disability applications.

Many (most? all?) of these presentations will end up on the web soon.

And, the networking is also great (because of who the performances attract). It's a place to plant seeds for future collaborations. Well, I need to head off to get my brain packed with another day of cool ideas. I'm glad Jeff Skoll kept asking me if I was going to TED: now I know why!


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