ISIS - Internet Sexuality Information Services

Through the Full Circle Fund, where I spoke recently on a panel with Premal Shah of, I had the chance to meet the third panelist, Deb Levine of ISIS. It's great to meet a new technology social entrepreneur who is so on top of the latest social technologies! [Kiva's cool, of course, but everybody already knows that!]

ISIS has a mission around sex ed and STD prevention, and has an array of clever and innovative uses of the web and mobile communications to advance their mission. One social enterprise I was impressed with is their inSPOT sex partner STD electronic greeting card service. This service is supported by public health agencies to encourage notification of sex partners when someone is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). ISIS manages to get a very high click-through rate for this important notification.

Deb and I had a great brainstorm a few weeks after our panel, coming up with ideas for helping each other's projects. I think this is the great payoff for accepting speaking gigs and going to conferences: serendipity just happens more easily in person. It also makes me think there are more great social entrepreneurs out there coming up with new ways to use technology to help humanity, and I'm looking forward to meeting more cool folks like Deb.


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