Zerodivide seeks new board members

I am on the board of the Zerodivide Foundation, which is an extremely cool foundation serving the underserved of California with technology. We're seeking new board members.

ZeroDivide™ Board of Directors Position Description
ZeroDivide is seeking candidates for its Board of Directors to serve for a three-year term commencing on February 1, 2009.

ZeroDivide Background

ZeroDivide invests in community enterprises that leverage technology to benefit people in low-income and other underserved communities. As a foundation, we do more than just write a check; through our community, philanthropic and corporate partnerships, we help nonprofit organizations find new revenue sources to become more self-sustaining.

We focus on technology. Whether the divides are social, economic, political or cultural, it is often technology that can help overcome these divides. Since our inception in 1998, almost $50 million has been invested through us in overcoming community-building barriers. But access to technology is just the starting point. Through mentors, professional networks and investor forums, ZeroDivide brings a deep knowledge of what makes a venture successful. We're collaborative, bringing a valuable vantage point that stems from having worked with hundreds of community-based organizations. Ultimately, we want to be the partner that community enterprises value most.

Throughout our work, we are guided by four principles:
  • Innovation
Changing the world requires new thinking. That's why ZeroDivide partners with grantee organizations that are willing to take bold, new directions. To keep pace with technological innovation, our own philanthropic vision is equally fluid, adaptive and effective.
  • Entrepreneurship
At ZeroDivide, we fund nonprofit organizations that employ new models of economic sustainability. We provide organizations with access to an ecosystem of business leaders and seasoned professionals. Community entrepreneurs leverage these relationships to find new team members, forge strategic partnerships and identify target markets.
  • Transformation
A core foundation of our institutional vision has always been to deliver relevant, impactful community-based philanthropy. We work to transform California communities and the lives of the people who live in them.
  • Leadership
We love helping organizations and community leaders achieve their full potential. Through our ZeroDivide Fellows program, our work with these community advocates has not only resulted in developing tomorrow’s leaders, but it has produced rewarding and lasting relationships.
We encourage community-based nonprofit organizations, community leaders, corporate partners and dedicated individuals to join us in creating infinite possibilities. By redefining the role of philanthropy, we are bridging the digital divide, reshaping communities and moving successfully toward a ZeroDivide.

Board Role and Responsibilities

Board Members act in the best interests of the corporation and its mission to serve all of the underserved communities of California, including populations who are low-income, of color, with disabilities, limited English speaking, seniors in need, and at-risk youth. ZeroDivide’s Board of Directors has 15 members. A Board term is three years, renewable once. The Board currently meets three times a year, generally in January, May and September. Members are expected to attend all meetings. Each member is expected to serve on two committees. All Board members are expected to consider this Board to be a priority and to be engaged, contributing participants.
In addition to the general requirements as discussed above, the Board of Directors is interested in potential nominees who have significant expertise in four areas:
  • Fund Development: Particular ability to open doors for funding partnerships with businesses, foundations, and individual donors – this is a priority and overarching need for all directors.
  • Corporate Finance and Internal Control: Chief Financial Officers, executive directors, Board members who have chaired finance or audit committees of foundations or nonprofits.
  • Technology Industry: Social entrepreneurs, information technology thought leaders, and executive/senior management in technology-related companies.
  • Philanthropy: Senior management or trustee level experience in a private, community or corporate foundation.
If you are interested in being considered for nomination to ZeroDivide’s Board of Directors please send a letter of interest, resume and a list of references by Friday, October 31, 2008, to:
Jackie Brand, Nominating and Governance Committee Chair
c/o Tessie Guillermo, President and CEO
425 Bush Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94108
You will be contacted by a representative of the ZeroDivide Nominating and Governance Committee regarding your interest soon after receiving your letter of interest. Please do not call the ZeroDivide office directly. For more information about ZeroDivide see


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